Can you drink coffee on a ketogenic diet ?

A few years ago, the net only talked about the MIRACLE of bulletproof coffee (which consisted of replacing your breakfast with a coffee mixed with butter and coconut oil). And this famous bulletproof coffee was supposed to be the quintessential keto food.
In fact, I think coffee is NOT a good idea, as a rule, and even more so on a ketogenic diet.
Besides the general issues that everyone is familiar with, here are a few reasons why coffee might not be a good idea on the ketogenic diet.
For most people, caffeine causes blood sugar levels to rise — that’s exactly what you don’t want on a ketogenic diet, since it kicks you out of ketosis.
If you are not convinced, I invite you to test yourself with your blood glucose meter: take your blood sugar 10 minutes before and 20 minutes after coffee. If your blood sugar has not moved and is low, fine for you, but in reality the occurrence is rather rare, as many people are very sensitive to caffeine without even knowing it.
I agree with you: everyone is different, and everyone reacts differently to the same substance, and yet, if you want to avoid problems: test for yourself, for yourself!
The main problem with coffee remains its detrimental impact on the production of cortisol. You should know that in most of us, cortisol is already out of order, it is already overproduced, and our adrenal glands are already tired from this overproduction . Adrenal fatigue and the overproduction of cortisol are MAJOR factors that block keto-adaptation!
In addition, caffeine has a direct effect on stress and the production of cortisol (the stress hormone). In fact, caffeine works on the adrenal glands because it causes them to produce a lot of adrenaline and a lot of cortisol.
Not only does the overproduction of cortisol cause inflammation (which blocks keto-adaptation), it can also disrupt the production of estrogen and testosterone. (Testosterone decreases and estrogen increases).
And finally, the circle is infinite: caffeine stimulates the production of adrenaline by the adrenals, suddenly, we are excited but the body is tired, the organism no longer finds its homeostatic balance and no longer knows how to provide energy (apart from stimulating the adrenal glands !!). Suddenly, the snake dies its tail: you need more caffeine, to have an adrenaline rush again.
Coffee is a strong diuretic. That is to say that by drinking, we become very dehydrated , and suddenly, we tend to demineralize. Ultimately , minerals such as iron, magnesium, potassium will have a hard time being absorbed, which will cause discomfort such as headaches, cramps, fatigue, nausea, etc.
And I’m not even talking about the fact that who says dehydration means difficulty in metabolizing fat …
And because it dehydrates you so much, caffeine also speeds up the aging of cells .
Already, dehydration of the skin has a direct effect on collagen, which deteriorates, and which suddenly gives the skin a sagging appearance.
But in addition, as we have seen that caffeine stimulates the production of cortisol and causes inflammation, this will involve an overproduction of free radicals, which will themselves also have a direct effect on the aging of cells.
Stopping the coffee will certainly be a big commitment at the start, and at the beginning, you will feel more tired, because you will no longer have the adrenaline to hide the fatigue. But soon you will sleep much better. Naturally, your cortisol production will regulate itself and tune in to your circadian rhythms: you will then naturally have more energy throughout the day, without over-stimulating your adrenal glands!
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